Próximas Conferencias sobre Big Data y Analítica en España

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Martel, Jaime

23-28 SEPTIEMBRE, Barcelona.

I Conferencia Internacional en Analítica de Datos.

DATA ANALYTICS 2012 is an inaugural event on fundamentals in supporting data analytics, special mechanisms and features of applying principles of data analytics, application-oriented analytics, and target-area analytics. Processing of terabytes to petabytes of data, or incorporating non-structural data and multi-structured data sources and types require advanced analytics and data science mechanisms for both raw and partially-processed information. Despite considerable advancements on high performance, large storage, and high computation power, there are challenges in identifying, clustering, classifying, and interpreting of a large spectrum of information.

4-7 OCTUBRE, Barcelona.

IV International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval.

Knowledge Discovery is an interdisciplinary area focusing upon methodologies for identifying valid, novel, potentially useful and meaningful patterns from data, often based on underlying large data sets. A major aspect of Knowledge Discovery is data mining, i.e. applying data analysis and discovery algorithms that produce a particular enumeration of patterns (or models) over the data. Knowledge Discovery also includes the evaluation of patterns and identification of which add to knowledge. Information retrieval (IR) is concerned with gathering relevant information from unstructured and semantically fuzzy data in texts and other media, searching for information within documents and for metadata about documents, as well as searching relational databases and the Web. Automation of information retrieval enables the reduction of what has been called «information overload». Information retrieval can be combined with knowledge discovery to create software tools that empower users of decision support systems to better understand and use the knowledge underlying large data sets.

16-NOVIEMBRE, Madrid

I Conferencia Internacional Sobre Big Data en España. Un reto tecnológico y una oportunidad de negocio. La humanidad y las máquinas crean diariamente 2,5 trillones de bytes de datos (es decir 2,5 x 1018 bytes). Esto es Big Data. Algunos de los expertos mundiales líderes en la industria nos proporcionarán una visión práctica de los retos de almacenamiento, gestión, análisis, modelado y visualización de datos en la primera conferencia internacional de Big Data en Madrid, España.


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